It’s that time of year again. The Cardinals are making their annual playoff run, facing the Los Angeles Dodgers in the National League Championship Series. Student journalists set out across campus to ask MBU staff members and students for their thoughts on this exciting run.

“The Cardinals going to the World Series really brings the city together and it’s cool to see everyone pulling together for one cause.”
English major
“The Cardinals always work their butts off and it’s always nice to see their hard work pay off.”
—DESMOND PERRIGOLD, graduate student
counseling major
“It’s awesome that the Cardinals made it again and I’m happy to be a part of Cardinal Nation.”
—MARISA McKEEGAN, dual enrolled
music arts
“I don’t care about the Cardinals. I honestly just want it to stop.”
education major
“I think it’s pretty awesome, I love the whole St. Louis Camaraderie. Cardinal Nation!”
“I think it’s good for the city. It is nice to see a Christian manager take the team to the NLCS during his first two years as the manager.”
—MIKE NOLAN, assistant athletic trainer
“I’m sick of the Cardinals winning. I’m sick of hearing people talk about it. … Really though in the last 10 years, what other team in the last decade has done this? I used to like the Cardinals. It used to be exciting to see my friends happy. I’m just a cantankerous old man.”
director of online recruitment – admissions
“I am happy because other people are happy about it — my happiness is not affected either way.”
business major
“I look forward to seeing them progress and hope they do well, but I honestly don’t follow them enough to be considered a true fan.”
—JUSTIN HANNEL, sophomore
business major
“Our family loves going home to watch the Cardinals games together. We feel like we know all the players. I love the postseason and I’m very drawn to all the personalities, to all of the players.”
director of special events – Missouri Baptist University
“I don’t follow many sports. If I had to pick one, baseball would be my favorite sport. I haven’t seen a single game this year, but I love to hear about when they win because this is my city.”
lead administrative assistant – Missouri Baptist University Admissions Office