“Big Hero 6” could give Disney the light-hearted feel its superhero movies need.

Photo by: Donovan Correll

Photo illustration by: Donovan Correll


If you love Disney movies and want to see a comic-based movie, you need to see, “Big Hero 6,” a film I personally loved from start to finish.

The movie is a story of how a young robotics genius, Hiro Hamada, overcomes the challenges of losing loved ones and making new friends.

If you would like to know what has been changed, check out the comic origin.

The movie takes place in the futuristic city of San Fransokyo, a combination of San Francisco and Tokyo.

The city looks as if “Little Tokyo” expanded and incorporated itself into every part of San Francisco.

The look of the film is a bright futuristic neon-lit city that has learned how to meld eastern and western culture together.

“Big Hero 6” is a classic Disney story, which ironically is a downfall to the overall greatness of the film.

The opening of the movie shows this clearly as Tadashi rescues Hiro from some thugs.

About 10 years prior to the movie the main character and his brother lose their parents.

This is one of Disney’s favorite themes to follow.

Make a list of your favorite Disney movies right now.

Now look at this list and beside each title write whether a parent or parents are either killed, died or don’t exist in the movie.

Disney uses this plot device too often in my opinion and needs to back away from the idea.

Nevertheless, the movie does a good job showing how the brothers overcome the handicap by living with their aunt Cass Hamada.

Hiro Hamada, now 14, a genius who is naturally gifted in robotics, regularly participates in illegal bot fights.

Hiro has an older brother, Tadashi, but there is not a specific age given for Tadashi.

Tadashi looks as if he may be in his mid-20s since he is attending college at the appropriate age.

I had to assume his age since it is not actually given.

Tadashi is also gifted in robotics but had to study and work hard to get where he is.

The brothers have an amazingly loving relationship where Tadashi is always looking out for Hiro.

Tadashi wants Hiro to turn his life around and join him at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, S.F.I.T.

Once Hiro visits the institute he meets Tadashi’s closest friends.

I liked how the movie smoothy introduced the remaining protagonists without interrupting the flow of the movie.

Hiro meets GoGo Tomago, Honey Lemon and Wasabi.

The characters’ names were changed from the comic to the big screen to make it easier for a younger audience to identify each character with little effort.

Tomago is the tough attitude tomboy of the group who specializes in magnetics and electromagnetics at the institute.

Tomago’s got-to-go attitude is reflected in her choice of abilities.

Honey Lemon is a peppy sweet girl with a knack for chemical engineering.

She later uses her expertise to create a purse that lets her type in the chemical solution she wants to create and throw it in the form of a small sphere.

Here is a look at Honey Lemon’s power.

Wasabi is the beefy neurotic physicist of the group.

He uses his knowledge to cut down evil with his invention.

Each of the friends received their names from Fred the slacker.

Their nicknames come from their favorite foods Tomago, Honey Lemon and Wasabi.

Fred is the mascot of S.F.I.T. and satisfies his passion for science and comics by watching his friends achieve what he can not.

Even though Fred can’t create a power of his own his friends help him out by building him a suit that fits his passion.

Each character presents powers that reflect their personality, to which the viewer may be able to relate.

I found Wasabi to be my favorite hero in the film because he and I share some similarities to a point.

A quote from Wasabi that stood out to me was, “ I have a place for everything and everything has its place.”

I feel that way sometimes because I am an organized person myself but not to the point of being neurotic.

You should be able to relate to at least one of the characters in the film given their variety of personalities.

Tadashi introduces Hiro to the project that he has been working on for months, Baymax, who could best be described as a clumsy lovable marshmallow.

While Hiro is leaving the institute with Tadashi he bumps into Professor Callaghan, the head of S.F.I.T. who is also Tadashi’s mentor.

In order for Hiro to be accepted he has to create something to exhibit at S.F.I.T.’s annual tech fair.

Hiro invents new microbots that can be controlled with a headset that he wears.

This piques the interest of the popular industrialist Allistair Krei.

Krei offers Hiro money for his creation but Hiro refuses.

Krei gives you that overwhelming feeling that there is something fishy about this character.

As the night comes to an end a fire breaks out in the exhibition building and Professor Callaghan is trapped inside.

Tadashi rushes inside to save him but an explosion occurs.


Both Callaghan and Tadashi are lost in the fire along with all the exhibits that were inside.

So, not only does Disney kill off the lead characters’ parents but it also removes his brother as well.

What I had thought to be a fun lovable movie took a sudden and dark turn.

Months later Hiro is still grieving over the loss of his brother.

While in his room Hiro picks up his battle bot that inspired his project and, well, you need to see what happens next for yourself here.

This scene is a great example of how the rest of the movie held its comedy throughout.

After Baymax’s reawakening Hiro finds out that one of his microbots in his pocket has activated after all these months.

The bot is active but the only reason that would be happening is if someone is using the headset that Hiro created.

Baymax takes it upon himself to follow the bot and Hiro chases after him.

Both find themselves in a warehouse filled with microbots that were once Hiro’s that are being produced on a massive scale.

Suddenly all of the bots are activated and the villain is revealed, a man in a kabuki who is controlling the microbots.

Our heroes make a narrow escape and return home to plan how they will try to take down the villain.

The introduction of the villain is done well in the film, giving him a mysterious and menacing tone from the start.

This results in a quick sequence where Baymax gets an upgrade and some new moves.

Hiro and Baymax find the masked man but accidentally get their friends involved thanks to Baymax.

From here the friends are led on a chase back to Fred’s place where they come up with a plan to take down the newly dubbed Yokai, the man in the kabuki mask.

Now the real adventure begins as the new heroes are fully equipped to take down Yokai.

Disney did an amazing job at creating a solid base for all the characters to build off of through the movie.

The comedy in the movie is hilarious and it would be hard not to laugh even though it has its darker moments.

Disney has definitely taken a turn for the better with “Big Hero 6” and I hope to see a possible sequel to the movie.

By Donovan Correll

Donovan Correll, a junior Communication Studies major, is a staff writer for MBU Timeline and reporter/anchor for MBU Timeline-Broadcast.