To send students, faculty and staff off into a fun and blessed spring break, MBU’s Office of Spiritual Life hosted Love MBU, as a means to serve the MBU community and share God’s love through different acts of kindness. From car checkups to a cereal bar, there were many fun activities for students to engage in during Love MBU week.
(From left to right) Officer Scott Patterson, Jocelynn Brewer, Tyler Kiefer, Schuyler Vowell, Ashton Seniker, Officer Matt Onken and Trey Mckenney, where many of the crucial participants that ensured Love MBU’s car wash and checkups went successfully. The MBU community appreciates Public Safety as well as the Ministerial Alliance Team for their servant leadership and time in their services toward helping MBU. All photos by Jessica Kunkel
The purpose of Love MBU was to serve the MBU community in fun and unique ways as students, faculty and staff headed into spring break. MBU’s campus minister Schuyler Vowell explains,”The Office of Spiritual life and Ministerial Alliance Team decided to do Love MBU simply to love and serve the students on campus. The goal of the week was to make students feel loved, seen, known, and serve them in practical ways.” The Ministerial Alliance Team kicked off the week with providing free car checkups for the MBU community outside the chapel building. This consisted of car washes and car maintenance checks, such as checking tire pressure and adding windshield wiper fluid to cars that rolled by. Students of the Ministerial Alliance Team worked together to be servant leaders toward fellow piers and others members of the MBU community through this lively Love MBU event. Public Safety also participated in this event and partnered with the Office of Spiritual Life and the Ministerial Alliance Team and provided their services too to help with car maintenance. Many students stopped by to get their cars squeaky clean and it was a joyous event for students to participate in and it was such a rewarding experience for members of the Ministerial Alliance Team to be apart of as well. “The most rewarding part about being on the MBU Ministerial Alliance Team for the Love MBU car checkup event, would be getting to talk with and getting to know MBU students I had never met before. We can get so wrapped up in the motions of school, work and life that we lose opportunities to get to know our neighbors. Checking on the cars and making sure student’s were going to be driving home safely was very important, ultimately our goal was to love MBU students. As simplistic as it sounds, getting to know and lone the people in your community is vital for the expansion of The Gospel. “1 John 4:19 says, ‘We love because he first loved us.’ As Christians, as people who are loved by God and have experienced his love, our natural response should be to love and serve others and that’s what we wanted to do on campus. It was encouraging to see our Ministerial Alliance students willing and eager to serve their fellow students and community. In his letter in the New Testament, James, the brother of Jesus, says, ‘faith without works is dead,’ and it was encouraging to see our students reveal a very alive, and vibrant faith here on this campus. My hope that as students got their cars washed, were handed donuts, and experienced the other things we did all week that they got a glimpse of the love that Jesus has for them, and they saw the heart of the Christian faith which is to love and serve our neighbors,” said Vowell. MBU always strives to honor the Lord in all things by promoting service leadership and the Ministerial Alliance Team’s efforts into putting on a successful car checkup event is just one way MBU shows its love to the community.
— Cruise on by the Car Checkup Activities Below —
Jocelynn Brewer, Tyler Kiefer and Ashton Seniker smile after working hard together as members of MBU’s Ministerial Alliance Team, to wash and provide car checkups to the MBU community.