A Hacky Sack club will be starting this semester at MBU for Hacky Sack pros and newbies alike.


Photo by Julia Province


MBU is getting a new club with a throwback twist, a Hacky Sack club where people can get together, have fun and play the game.

Erin Roach, a freshman psychology and human services major, is starting the Hacky Sack club on MBU’s campus.

The club welcomes all skill levels, whether you’re a pro Hacky Sack player, just a novice or have never played at all.

“Yes, anyone can join,” said Roach. “There are so many of my friends who don’t know how to play Hacky Sack and I’m just like, please join. It’ll be so much fun. I’m not even that great and I’m starting the Hacky Sack team.”

In the game of Hacky Sack multiple players stand in a circle and kick a bean bag-like footbag from one person to the next, trying to keep it off the ground for as many kicks as possible.

Roach decided to start the club when she saw a lack of any organization at MBU that was quite like the Hacky Sack club.

“There’s nothing really like this team or sport on campus,” said Roach.

The club will meet up once or twice per month to hang out and play Hacky Sack, as well as take group outings.

“We’re just going to Hacky Sack and we’re going to have snacks. We also plan to just take little field trips to get our friendships formed and just have that group aspect,” said Roach.

Others are also excited for the camaraderie of the new club and for learning the game.

Anna Bertles, a sophomore marketing and management major, said, “ I think it’ll be a great time with some good laughs. Hopefully I’ll pick up a new skill while I’m at it.”

Roach has been a Hacky Sack hobbyist for many years, having played as a kid along with her brother.

“I have been Hacky Sacking since I was 7 or 8, me and my brother would Hacky Sack all the time because you know we didn’t have technology. Hacky Sack was our thing.”

Roach also explained that she is excited for the club to be a great opportunity for students to form new friendships and have fun together playing the game.

“I’m just excited for this to be a thing here just because it’s so different. I feel like a lot of people think it’s funny but I’m not doing it to be funny. I feel like there will be a lot of friendships that form out of it. “

The Hacky Sack club plans to start accepting members and holding meetings by the end of February.

To sign up for the club, students can contact Erin Roach via e-mail at erinnroach@gmail.com.

By Julia Province

Julia Province is an editor for MBU Timeline. She is majoring in communications studies and minoring in psychology at Missouri Baptist University. She has a love for all things photography and Photoshop, but in her free time she can often be found participating in one of MBU’s group yoga classes.