Like keeping several balls in the air similar to a circus juggler, our lives involve keeping several activities managed all at the same time. So, how do we do this without letting something fall through? How do we maintain all that we do while also maintaining a level of excellence?

Photo by Lauren McLaughlin


One of the most important things in life is an ability to balance it, to maintain life activities in every direction they come at you.

So often our happiness is neutralized and swiped away from us, not because we as humans can’t be happy alone, but because of our day-to-day routines and how we manage our work and private lives.

Even though work-life balance is an important factor to a happy life, often times having to juggle so many things makes life difficult and unmanageable.

A work-life balance essentially refers to four life quadrants that include family, work, friends and, most importantly, yourself.

A balanced life consists of spreading our energy and effort into everything that we do.

Time Management

Every minute that is used or lost is never added back into our lives.

It is that time that allows us to balance and utilize every minute that we have on this Earth.

Through time we are able to set our priorities right and manage situations that we may get stuck in.

Goal Setting

Life is filled with goals that you set for yourself and you can achieve them as long as you put your mind to them.

Having a life without goals is like having a car with no fuel, it will never move no matter how important the journey.

It is through setting goals that we can tell within ourselves what we really are wanting to succeed in and how far we are willing to go.

It is the relationship between goal setting and time management that can help balance what is going on in our lives.

Willpower Development

Life will deliver the value and balance that we desire once we are committed fully to achieving and enjoying something every day.

The integration between one’s personal and professional life is achievable if we are willing to live more in the moment and gain a routine that is positive and balanced.

Willpower is the work of a clear and focused mind.

Self Development

One of the products of an imbalanced lifestyle is continued stress and unhappiness.

People tend to spend their lives trying to look for success and trying to be much better and more outstanding in a highly competitive world.

Happiness comes from within oneself and living in the moment is an important factor to living a healthy life.

It is through a clear focused mind that one can be content and closer to living an easy and simple life.

Be Content

A balanced, calm and modest life brings more happiness than the constant pursuit of success.

Let’s embrace a calm and modest way of life by living each day and taking one step at a time.

By Haley Sandvoss

Haley Sandvoss is a staff journalist for MBU Timeline, with a major in public relations and a minor in broadcast media. Sandvoss enjoys being captain of the MBU cheerleading team, as well as singing in chorale and chamber singers. In her little free time you can find Sandvoss drinking coffee and taking photos all around St. Louis for her fashion Instagram page. Sandvoss hopes to eventually pursue a job in the public relations field at a theatre.