In light of Tuesday’s presidential election, MBU Timeline’s Basic Reporting and Writing for Journalism class conducted spot interviews asking students and faculty around the main campus either, “As we head toward the presidential election, do you feel like your vote even matters? Why or why not?” or “At the end of day what do you think your duty is as a citizen in this election?” These are their responses.

“Yes. I think my vote always matters. If you don’t vote, then you have no say in what happens. Having said that, I have concerns with both candidates and I will probably do a write-in vote, more than likely. Even though it’s highly unlikely that a write-in vote would actually become president, but I hope to do a write-in candidate that I think, at least, the vote will be counted. Which does have something to say for what I think is important in a president, regardless whether the person wins, which you know the likelihood of that — too big. Nonetheless, I would feel better doing that because it seems kinda where I am as far as my thought pattern on who should be president as opposed to picking somebody that I really don’t want to vote for. So that’s not to say that it doesn’t matter and I might say that further down the line, we’re not just voting for president, we’re voting for all kinds of other, you know, senators and officials. I think all of those matter and some of them will tend to count a lot more than others, but yeah I do think it’s important to vote.”

“No, not really. In the grand scheme of things, with the electoral college and the popular vote, it can sometimes be skewed so I don’t feel like the candidate that is actually that the majority of the people want is actually going to be elected because we could have half the nation by states want a certain candidate but states like California, with so many electoral votes, are kind of the deciding factors.”

“I am in between when it comes to voting, I feel like my vote matters, and then again I don’t. I really feel like it is a deal of popularity. The House of Representatives makes the final decision. … I do not feel obligated to vote. Whether I vote or not I am not getting what I want.”

“Yes and no. I think that all votes matter to an extent but I think at the same time it’s hard to know I guess … I hope it does … all the electoral votes seem like they would outweigh the states or overpower the people’s votes.”

“Yea I do. I think since we live in a country where it is our right to vote I think that everyone should exercise it. Some people don’t think that it counts because there are so many [votes] and ultimately the electoral votes decide … I definitely do think it matters because you’re trying to get your voice out there and trying to get yourself heard on who you want to be the next president. … I definitely think it’s to vote just so you get your opinion out there. … It’s really important for people to be proud of the country that we live in … there are so many other countries that wish they had the opportunities that we do.”

“I really feel like it does not (matter) with the electoral college. … My duty is to vote for the person that I think will be the next candidate and who will be the next president.”