The Bible explains that tithing is one of the most important aspects when living a Christian life because it shows your dedication and trust to God.


Photo by: Lydia Milan


In Malachi 3:10 the Bible says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

This is the only topic in the Bible in which the Lord commands His people to test Him.

Why is tithing such a vital component in one’s life, you might ask?

2 Corinthians 2:9-7 says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Tithing covers a multitude of things within the church, including mission trip donations, church camp fees or new renovations to help the church grow.

It not only helps the church you attend, but it will also bring blessings in your personal life and allow you to put your trust in God without succumbing to finances ruling your life.

I’m sure as a college student, it may seem difficult to think that you should give 10 percent of your weekly income to a church when, on the regular, you’re digging around for chump change to afford a protein bar at the gas station.

I am here to inform you that tithing, whether you make one dollar or $50 a week, will pay off to trust God in tithing 10 percent.

Deuteronomy 1:11 says, “May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!”

For the last two semesters of college, I have been attending school full-time and working an unpaid internship.

As a fellow student, I am sure anyone reading this would understand my struggle.

Two weeks ago, I made $40 by selling some wraps from a direct marketing business I joined and I waited and saved $4 diligently so that I could tithe to my local church.

Sunday came, and hesitantly, I placed my offering in the basket followed by a distraught face and a hint of regret because I knew that $4 could potentially buy me lunch the next day.

Instead of holding on to that feeling, I chose to trust that God would surpass my needs for being obedient to His Word.

The next day, I received an email stating that someone wanted to buy a textbook I posted for sale on and I would be making $40 within the next few days.

Later that day, someone contacted me about their interest in the products of my direct marketing business and I signed them as a loyal customer which brought in an extra $100 in commission fees.

If there is anything I have learned during my walk with God, it is to trust that He will supply your needs and that I should never underestimate the strength of God over finances.

No pun intended, it truly pays off to put your trust in God because, after all, it is better to be 90 percent blessed than to be 100 percent un-blessed.



By Victoria Wright

Victoria Wright, a senior public relations major from Festus, Mo., is a staff journalist for MBU Timeline. Wright enjoys drawing, photography, blogging and swimming. Currently, Wright has a photography internship with the St. Louis Blues. After graduation, Wright plans to head to New York in the field of fashion PR while working toward a master's degree in marketing.