Answering life’s questions gets muddled through life’s demand for acceptance and our need for social media idolization.


Photo by Brittany Gammon


We live in a world defined by popularity and presence on social media.

Overexposed photos with a white background make the best profile pictures. Instagram’s new Mayfair filter has been proven to get the most likes.

Hashtags are the secret to gaining followers with #BLESSED being one of the most popular.

This hashtag shows “gratefulness” and “humility” while highlighting the most expensive and latest accessory we just purchased.

The Instagram page, Socality Barbie, emphasizes how fake our wanderlust spirits truly are.

What happens when the,  “All I need is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus” mentality doesn’t carry us when life hits a low point?

Where does our #happiness come from?

For college students, this season of life is swamped with life questions and critical decisions.

Did we choose the correct major?

What do we want to do after college?

Should we pick up a second job?

We all struggle with similar questions.

Welcome to the group better known as Generation Y.

When everything is stripped away, Gen Y is constantly in search of feeling empowered, therefore striving to be happy.

Thanks to social media and technology, the world is at our fingertips.

From a young age, we were encouraged to “follow our dreams.”

This mentality has left us grappling for the next thing to fulfill our wandering hearts.

We’ve replaced searching for something greater than ourselves with the shiny word, wanderlust.

Encouraged to quit our jobs and explore the world, we are left with one question that answers them all: Where do we find our happiness?

True happiness only comes from trusting the One who created us holds the best for us.

“Be still and know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10.

When we wait on God, He graciously gives us true joy.

Instead of gravitating to our social media feeds, how should we pursue happiness?

Stay grounded. Your wanderlust spirit has made you #BLESSED, but do you know who you are?

Work hard. Walking with the crowd will never put you in front.

“Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose,” said Bob Proctor, author and speaker.

Don’t settle.

Sure, immediate gratification feels wonderful until you realize the best thing was right around the corner, but what if it’s way around the corner?

If it’s the best, why wouldn’t you wait?

It’s time to strip off the Instagram filter and step outside social media to realize that a fulfilled life does not lie in image, but in depth.

So where does your happiness come from?

By Brittany Gammon

Brittany Gammon is a staff journalist, and anchor for MBU Timeline. Gammon is a senior double majoring in communication studies and journalism. Gammon works in Student Activities on the Welcome Weekend Planning Committee and part-time in Special Events. After graduation, Gammon looks forward to exploring opportunities and making a difference wherever she goes.