Goals, everyone always talks about goals, but they are easier set than done. We make plans, lists, bullet points, long-range goals, short-range goals, but when it comes right down to it, none of that matters without the will and desire to do what God intends for us to do, and that is, our very best in every circumstance and situation.

Today’s group blog asks MBU journalism writing students this question: What are your current goals and what do you plan to do about them?       Photo illustration by Patrick Griffey

Habits of Improvement Form Character


We have just started another almost 600-million-mile trip around the sun, and this is by no means a small accomplishment. 

It is easy to ignore the fact that we are living in a world that is so much grander than we realize. When we start understanding how big creation is we start noticing how small we are. 

Now the question to answer is this: How do I make a difference in a world that is much bigger than me? I am presented with a great opportunity to make changes in my life to accomplish something large. 

For me the idea is very simple — this year I want to focus on doing the right thing. 

This goal is by no means measurable or even fully achievable. I think that makes it a beautiful goal. 

If I can focus on always trying my best to do the right thing, that becomes a habit. 

Habits then form my character and eventually my hope is that doing right will become a reflex for me.


I Want to See the World


As I look back on my goals for this year, I said that 2020 is going to be my year.

I am going to work out every day to grow my muscles, and become more lean for soccer. I want a healthier lifestyle.

I also want to travel more and explore more of the world.


I Plan to Remain More Informed


My goal for this year has been to start including world news and events into my daily life. 

Instead of my continuous horror and true crime podcasts I will include news podcasts with news from world events, because a lot of what is happening in the world right now is directly tied to the Bible.

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, California, gave a sermon regarding the state of our world and how important it is to be informed about where and how God is working. 

Prophecies are starting to unveil themselves every day and it is important to be in the know and have valid and real opinions in today’s world.

I know the knowledge I want to receive might frighten, frustrate, or even anger me, so I plan on turning to the Bible to help digest the problems of the world. 

Jesus doesn’t want an apathetic ignorant nation, he wants us to seek him out in all aspects of everyday life and it is our job to make sure we do just that.


Being a Better Football Player, That’s the Goal


Going into any new year people love to make changes about stuff they feel like they need to improve or become a better person.

One of my resolutions was to become a better football player, to possibly have a chance at going to the league.

One way I can increase my future chances of becoming a league player is to work harder than I ever have since I started playing the game of football.
Make sure I’m looking at a lot of film, breaking the game down play by play, learning other teams’ weaknesses and strengths.

Photo illustration by Jason Harman
Photo illustration by Patrick Griffey


Make sure I’m looking at a lot of film, breaking the game down play by play, learning other teams’ weaknesses and strengths.

Making sure I’m in full shape to make plays from sideline to sideline. So yes, that’s one of my biggest goals and resolutions for the year of 2020.


Before Outlining Goals, Be Sure to Establish Reasons


Looking back to the beginning of 2020, I ask: What is a New Year’s resolution? To some, it might mean setting a goal that you hope to accomplish by the end of the year. To others, it might mean focusing on a negative and turning it into something positive. 

How does one achieve their resolution? Or more often than not, how does one fail their resolution?

It starts with the reason behind it. I hardly ever set an actual resolution because often times they feel shallow.

It’s easy to say that you’re going to start going to the gym, for example, but when push comes to shove, most of the time people back out. 

My goal entering this year was that I wanted to worry less, spend more time with my family, and build upon my friendships.

I want to travel somewhere that I have never been before and end the year mentally stronger than the year before.

Having broad ideas as resolutions are easier to achieve than setting something specific. They are things that I can work on every day.


I Want to Focus More on Football and Grades


I would like to be more focused on my football team. I feel like I kind of took the backseat as a freshman but now that the upperclassmen are gone I have to step up.

I need to be more focused on my school work and grades. My first semester I slacked off way too much and I need to get my GPA back up.

I would like to make enough money to pay rent for my own apartment. I thought I would like to live on campus but as I began my first semester of college I quickly realized that I want to commute because I want more freedom and privacy as well.

Those are three of my resolutions that I would like to complete in 2020.

Photo and photo illustration by Brooke Von Hoffmann