MBU’s Association of Black Collegians looks to create a better, more relatable experience for black students, realizing that black student academics and social success depend on inclusion and having a voice within the university.

Logo by Jordan Foster


With MBU’s ABC program in its infancy in comparison to the university, which has been around since 1957, the young association looks to create a more inclusive student experience for African-Americans on campus. ABC holds meetings on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and invites all students to attend.

The opportunity to go to college, expand our education and life experiences is a privilege.

Earning a degree in a relevant field could potentially earn you nearly $2.27 million more over your lifetime than if you did not have a college degree, according to an article by US News.

However, college is not just about the numbers and life experience, as meaningful relationships that are forged from your time as a student are just as important.

At MBU, a predominantly white university, it can be a struggle for black students to find commonality from a cultural aspect.

As a black student at MoBap, I have found the experience to be slightly challenging from a social perspective. With a lack of black professors and student representation on campus, MoBap’s on-campus experience is bland at best.

ABC has recognized this problem and has begun to take measures to improve student life for black students since it started in 2015.

“Our mission is to serve our black student body in several ways like education and fellowship. More importantly we aspire to create awareness of African-American culture, and secure racial equality,” said ABC President Jordan Foster, a senior business administration major with an emphasis in finance.

ABC has made great strides by organizing events and creating a “second family” for the students involved, she said.

“To improve the college experience we have made it our constant mission to be a second family to assembly members as well as leaders to give the black student body a voice,” Foster said. “ABC has hosted and facilitated several panel discussions and events that addressed controversial topics and celebrated African American culture.”

Foster has taken over as president this year, and the organization has grown as a result.

She has managed to create special plugs for meetings and events pertaining to ABC during Chapel announcements as well as graphics for the event calendar on the TV tickers across campus. When coupled with her expansive network of athletes involved who use word-of-mouth to increase awareness for the association, the presence has increased even more.


For more information on ABC you can contact directly at the following:

Phone: (314) 761-7748
E-mail: abcmbu@mobap.edu
Instagram: @abcmbu
Twitter: @abcmbu


Reaching a larger audience will undoubtedly lead to bigger changes and a more inclusive experience for the black student body.

ABC also boasts full support from the dean of university diversity, Brenda Bradford, who has shown unwavering support for the mission of ABC, which most certainly works in favor of the association.  

Knowing there is a place you can go and speak about current topics with culturally similar people is a major morale booster for black students in this racially and politically divided administration under President Trump.

Having another family where opinions can be expressed and judgment can be kept to a minimum is an attractive option for African-American students at a predominantly white university.

ABC is much more than just a safe place to go on a diatribe about racial inequality, the association also hosts meetings to learn about black history, not just the brief history given to us in textbooks, and this creates an environment of prosperity and growth among the students.

Just because the name says Association of Black Collegians does not mean other minorities and even white students cannot come to meetings and join in the conversation. In fact, it is encouraged, as this is how all backgrounds and cultural differences can come together and get a better understanding of one another.

ABC holds meetings on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and invites all students to attend with open arms.

The association realizes that black student academics and social success depend on inclusion and having a voice within the university. “I believe that MBU is a perfect place for an organization like ABC to thrive and soar in terms of success with respect to our mission,” Foster said.  

Under the mission of ABC and the leadership of Foster, the association hopes to grow, create a level playing field and a pleasurable experience for black students.

By Cam Cosey

Cam Cosey is a staff journalist for MBU Timeline from St. Louis. He is pursuing a degree in communications studies with a minor in journalism. Cam also plays on the MBU football team. After graduating Cam plans to write for a news outlet while training to play pro football abroad.